Lapis Carbon Solutions HSE Policy
Purpose and Scope
Lapis Carbon Solutions LP (“Lapis Carbon Solutions” or the “Company”) is committed to conducting business while promoting safe, reliable and sustainable operations to achieve our goal of zero harm to people, assets, and the environment. This goal applies to its employees, contractors, stakeholders, and the communities in which we work.
The purpose of this Health, Safety and Environmental (HSE) Policy (the “Policy”) is to set out our core HSE commitments that guide our operations. This Policy applies to Lapis Carbon Solutions LP, our parent and subsidiary companies and our employees.
Policy Statement
We consider HSE management to be a principal element of Lapis Carbon Solutions’ business practices.
The goal of Lapis is to achieve an incident free working environment and ensure that HSE is the primary consideration for all of our business activities.
Our top priority is to ensure that all business activities:
- Comply with all legislative requirements and federal, state, local regulations relating to health, safety, security, and the environment, as a minimum requirement.
- Actively support and promote the achievement of the highest attainable standards of HSE management for all operations and through all levels of the company.
- Work with clients to achieve company and project HSE goals and minimize the environmental impact of client operations by ensuring that all Lapis Carbon Solutions project and operations activities are conducted with HSE as a top priority.
- Focus on our employee’s personal health, safety and wellbeing and continuously improving the work environment.
- Identify and monitor major accident hazards in our activities, deliverables, and operations.
- Contribute to Lapis sustainability objectives by safely designing projects and services to have no undue environmental impact, while efficiently consuming energy and natural resources to minimize environmental impact of other processes.
- Integrate HSE in all business processes.
- Work proactively with stakeholders to develop and advance effective approaches to health, safety, security, and environmental protection and justice.
- Provide resources necessary to manage and communicate our HSE commitment, expectations, and accountability in the same manner as any other critical business function.
Oversight and Implementation
Lapis Carbon Solutions’ Chief Executive Office shall provide the oversight, execution and, when necessary, the reevaluation of this HSE Policy. The Board of Directors oversees Lapis Carbon Solutions’ HSE policies, approach and reporting.